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Where I Am Now

What is Bible College? A few people who were confident enough to ask have questioned this ever since I said I was attending Tilsley College. And to be honest I didn't really know what to expect either.

However, since I've been here for nearly two weeks now I feel I give you an answer. It's pretty hard!

Don't get me wrong I'm loving it! The things we are learning are mind blowing and the discussions are really intense (you know how I love my deep chats) but it is pretty tiring. I think it's partly the amount of information we are learning, the fact you always end up chatting to someone (especially since us FirstServers are sharing a room) and also the lack of sleep. The last two are probably my fault but it all adds up during the week.

So from Monday to Friday we have lectures from 9:30am till 1:15 and rest of the day is free. At the moment, we're looking at the history and criticism of the Old Testament and also Theology which is very hard to get your head around! It's the type of class that answers 5 of your questions and then leaves you with 10 more. We then have two volunteer placements during the week, assignments and also have to attend services on Sunday. All of this I really enjoy (homework aside) and I am learning so much but I'm also finding that between the work, placments and socialising I'm not finding much time alone with God.

I think this is because I didn't really go expecting to be doing college work, as stupid as that sounds. I assumed that because we were only here for a month we would listen to lectures and make notes but that it wouldn't be such a full on college environment.

I know they do this so that we get a taster of what attending Tilsley College is like and so that we continue to learn and grow but we also have our own course to do and langauge to learn for our abroad placements so it's harder to get anything done.

Anyway, I've decided to suck it up, stop thinking about all I've got to do and take one day at a time. So I've made some resolutions: sleep more, be more organised and take more time spending time with my Heavenly Father from whom I get my strength.

After all, I'm here for a reason and so far it has been amazing. Already, I feel I've learnt so much and made such close friendships and I feel a lot more prepared for the year ahead.

So I'm struggling but I know that God will honour my choice and that he will see me through:

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Matthew 6: 33-34

Easier to say than to do but we'll see how it goes! Practice makes perfect, well that's what they say anyway.

Ta ta for now,

Lottie xx

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